For Tutors ========== The role of lab tutors is vital to the success of this course. Records for each student are to be kept on copies of :download:`record.pdf <../_static/record/main.pdf>` which will be used in the final marking of their coursework. During each lab session, the :code:`record.pdf` document should assist with: - Speak to each student; making a note of their attendance. - During the first 6 weeks: assist where necessary. - From week 7 onwards: engage in discussions to help scaffold progress of students' coursework. Throughout: feedback specific and/or general difficulties to Vince Knight. After week 10: return the filled in copies of :code:`record.pdf` to Vince Knight. Guidance -------- - With code queries: point students at section of notes where the answer is and then tell them what is needed. - With writing queries: ask them relevant questions (refer them to marking criteria etc...). - Make an effort to ensure you are fair and not advantaging a given student. - Aim to be encouraging and enthusiastic.